
Upcoming Event Information

Posted on Jan 4 2018 - 6:17pm

Happy Holidays Pack 788 Families!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed their break and the extended vacation.  We have a fun January coming up.  Please see below for details.

Upcoming Events

Posted on Feb 8 2018 - 5:21pm

Leaders Meeting this Sunday from 7-8 in the education building.

Pack Meeting on Monday night.  Class A uniforms need to be worn.  We will handle out Pinewood Derby awards, rank awards, and a special treat to all who sold over $350 in Popcorn and Peanuts...PIE THROWS at a Leader.

Upcoming Events

Posted on May 4 2017 - 1:33pm

Congrats to all the scouts who were presented with awards at the Pack Meeting!

There is a leaders meeting on Sunday at 7:00 pm in room 202 of the Education Building - all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Upcoming Events

Posted on Sep 13 2018 - 7:07pm

Monday, September 17 & Monday, September 24: Den Meetings for Returning Scouts Only: Returning scouts will meet with their dens, organize camping supplies to be transferred to new containers, and prepare for their part in our Recruitment Fair. Scouts wear Class B uniforms on 9/17 and Class A on 9/24. Returning scout fees and medical forms will be due these two nights.

Upcoming Events

Posted on Jun 8 2016 - 8:00pm


Upcoming Events and Reminders

  • The Pack 788 picnic is scheduled for June 10 at 6:00 pm at Christ Church. Reservations must be made by Monday, June 6th.
  • June 20-24 - Cardinal District Day Camp (Registration closes June 3rd).
  • Monday, June 27 - Sports Night at Christ Church.
  • Water Night at Christ Church - Monday, July 11 at Christ Church.
  • Monday, August 29 - Rain Gutter Regatta at Christ Church.
  • To view all Pack 788 activities, visit www.pack788.org and click on the calendar link in the menu box.

UPDATE - Popcorn & Peanuts - Final Orders Due October 24th

Posted on Oct 13 2016 - 11:36pm

Popcorn and peanut order forms can be turned in to Tom Tyler at the October 17 den meeting (if you're finished selling) and the FINAL DATE to turn orders in is the October 24 pack meeting.

Product that was ordered will be available for scouts to pick up at the den meeting on November 21.   

Please remember that scouts must receive payment for any order that is placed when the order is taken. The Pack can not fill an order without receiving payment first. And scouts must wear the full Class A uniform while selling popcorn and peanuts.

Update for Scouts who are Participating in Scout Sunday 2017

Posted on Feb 2 2017 - 10:38pm

The start time of the Scout Sunday Service has changed. The new start time is 11:00 AM and participating scouts need to arrive at Christ Church no later than 10:40 AM.

Please remember that all participating scout must wear the full Class A uniform.

Tom Tyler is coordinating Scout Sunday for Pack 788 Scouts. When you arrive, please check in with Tom. He will provide instructions when you check in. 

Update: 2019-2020 Scouting Year

Posted on Apr 27 2020 - 12:47pm

Hello families!

I apologize for the lack of communication between our Pack and families, and for the events still listed on the weekly e-blast. Like many of you, I have been struggling with the balance of working from home, caring for children, helping my kids with schooling, and all else going on in our life due to this pandemic. Please forgive me for the lack of updates. Hopefully this communication will clear things up.

UPDATE: Popcorn and Peanut Products will be Available...

Posted on Nov 17 2016 - 10:54pm

It looks like we may be able to have the popcorn and peanut products ready for scouts to pick up at the den meeting on Monday, November 21.

John Hughes will be in the parking lot with the product to fill the Scouts' orders.


Updates from Pack 788

Posted on Mar 18 2020 - 12:24pm

Hello all,

What a week it has been. We hope all of you are doing well considering the many closings and changes in work, school, and social gatherings. Please, if you need assistance in any way during this time, please reach out to your Cub Scout Pack. We are a community here for each other, not just an activity for our children.