Join us Monday, July 23 @ 6:30pm for Water Rocket Night! Use a 2-liter plastic bottle to design a rocket. You will fill it with water and launch it at the event. Whose rocket will soar the highest? Siblings are welcome to join the fun as well. See you all on Monday!
The Cub Scout organization offers a wonderful program where boys can have fun while learning core values that will last a lifetime.
Pack 788 is now enrolling new members. Any boy in the 1st through 5th grades can join. It doesn't matter whether you are new to the scouting experience or if you have been a member of another pack.
All returning scout families of Pack 788 are invited to join us for our Welcome Back to Scouting Night on September 11, 2023 from 6-7:30PM. We'll be hosting a brief meeting to share our Pack expectations and calendar (plus fall campout info!) - plus - kicking off the popcorn & peanut sales. After the meeting, we'll have stations set up to get your scout(s) registered for the new scouting year while scouts will briefly meet with their dens to reconnect.